1. Abraham, R. G., Stewart, R. J. S., and Shum, L. Y. State-of-the-art in adaptable-programmable assembly systems. Soc. Manuf. Eng. Rep. MSR 77–16, 1977.
2. Abraham, R. G., Stewart, R. J. S., and Shum, L. Y. State-of-the-art in adaptable-programmable assembly systems. International Fluidics Services, Ltd., Bedford, Eng. 1977.
3. Abraham, R. G., Stewart, R. J. S., and Shum, L. Y. State-of-the-art in adaptable-programmable assembly systems. Soc. Manuf. Eng. Tech. Paper MS 77–757, 1977.
4. Abraham, R. G. Programmable automation of batch assembly operations. The Industrial Robot 4, 3 (1977), 119–131.
5. Abraham, R.G., et al. 3rd bi-monthy report — programmable assembly research technology transfer to industry. Westinghouse R and D Rep. 77–6G1-APPAAS-R2, March 31, 1977.