1. N.H. Farhat, “Frequency Synthesized Imaging Apertures,” Proc. 1976 Optical Computing Conference, IEEE Cat. No. 76CH1100-7C, pp. 19–24.
2. N.H. Farhat, “Principles of Broad-band Coherent Imaging”, J. Opt. Soc. Am., Vol. 67, Aug. 1977, pp. 1015–1021.
3. R.P. Porter, “A Radar Imaging System Using the Object to Provide the Reference Signal”, Proc. IEEE (letters), Vol. 59, February, 1971, pp. 307–308.
4. N. Farhat, “Reply to Comments on Computer Simulation of Frequency Swept Imaging”, Proc. IEEE (letters), Vol. 65, pp. 1223–1224, Aug. 1977.
5. N.N. Bojarski, “Inverse Scattering”, Final Report to Contract B00019-73-C-0316 Naval Air Syst. Command, February 1974.