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3. E. D. Andersen and K. D. Andersen. Presolving in Linear Programming. Preprint 35, Dept. of Math, and Computer Sci., Odense University, 1993. To appear in Math. Programming.
4. E. D. Andersen and Y. Ye. Combining interior-point and pivoting algorithms for linear programming. Technical report, Department of Management Sciences, The University of Iowa, 1994. Available via anonymous ftp from ftp://col.biz.uiowa.edu/pub/papers/cross.ps.Z, to appear in Management Science.
5. K. D. Andersen. A modified Schur complement method for handling dense columns in interior point methods for linear programming. Technical report, Dept. of Math, and Computer Sci., Odense University, 1994. Submitted to ACM Transaction on Mathematical Software.