1. G. Walker, Design guidelines for Stirling cryocoolers, Cryogenics 23:113 (1983).
2. G. Schmidt, Theorie der Lehmannschen Calorischen machine, Z. Ver. dt. Ing. 15:1 (1871).
3. P. A. Rios and J.L. Smith, Jr., An analytical and experimental evaluation of the pressure drop losses in the Stirling cycle, Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Journal of Engineering for Power, April, 1982-1988.
4. W. Martini, “Stirling engine design manual”. NASA Report No. CR135382 (NTIS No. N78-23999).
5. M. Weiss, G. Walker, and R. Fauvel, Microcomputer simulation of Stirling cryocoolers, “Proceedings of the International Cryogenic Engineering Conference,” Butterworth Scientific, Guildford, 1988.