1. M. Neuberger, (Electronic Properties Information Center, Hughes Aircradt Company, Culver City, California), DS-164 (Jan. 1970), 200 pp.
2. L. S. Palatnik, V. K. Sorokin, and L. P. Zozulya, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Neorg. Mater., 6 (2): 224–227 (1970)
3. L. S. Palatnik, V. K. Sorokin, and L. P. Zozulya, Inorg. Mater., 6 (2): 257–261 (1970)
4. Yu. I. Ravich, B. A. Efimova, and I. A. Smirnov, L. S. Stil’bans, ed. (translated from Russian by Albin Tybulewicz ), Plenum Press, New York (1970), 400 pp.
5. Yvonne Y. W. Tsang, UCRL-19144 (Jan. 1970), 98 pp. (Thesis)