1. R.A. Peterson, “Seismography 1970: The Writing of the Earth Waves”, copies on requestfrom the author at BendixUnited Geophysical Company, Pasadena, California.
2. F. N. Spiess, in “Underwater Photo-Optical Instrumentation Applications”, Vol. 24 of SPIE Seminar Proceedings, Redondo Beach, California, 1971.
3. D. Gabor, “Light and Information”, in “Progress in Optics” (E. Wolf, ed.), Vol. 1, p. 109–153, Amsterdam, 1961.
4. For example E.L. O’Neill, “Introduction to Statistical Optics”, Reading, Mass., 1963.
5. D. Gabor, Proc. Roy. Soc. A197, 462 (1949).