1. Stroke, G. W., Optical Computing, IEEE Spectrum, 24–41, Dec., 1972
2. Stroke, G. W., Optical Image Improvement in Biomedical Electron Microscopy and Ultrasonics
3. Lohmann, A. W., The Aspects of Optical Holography That Might Be of Interest for Acoustical Imaging, U. S. -Japan Seminar on Ultrasonic Imaging, Hawaii, January, 1973, Plenum Press.
4. Huang, T. S., Schreiber, W. F. Tretiak, O. J., Image Processing, Proc. IEEE, Vol. 59, PP 1586–1609, Nov. 1971.
5. Andrews, H. C., Tescher, A. G. and Kruger, R.P., Image Processing by Digital Computer, IEEE Spectrum, PP 20–32, July, 1972.