1. Goodman, J.W.: Speckle phenomena in optics, Roberts (2006) (This is a recent book with great detail on speckle statistics)
2. Dainty, J.C.: Laser speckle and related phenomena. 2nd edl edn. Springer, Berlin (1984) (The original classic on speckle phenomena)
3. Nye, J. F.: Natural focusing and fine structure of light: caustics and wave dislocations. IOP, Bristol (1999) (One of the few accessible texts on caustics)
4. Briers, J.D.: Speckle fluctuations and biomedical optics: implications and applications. Opt. Eng. 32(2), 277–283 (1993)
5. Dunn, A.K., Bolay, T., Moskowitz, M.A., Boas, D.A.: Dynamic imaging of cerebral blood flow using laser speckle. J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab. 21(3), 195–201 (2001)