1. Heavens, O.S.: Optical Properties of Thin Solid Films. Dover, New York (1991) (An old classic on thin films)
2. Maier, S.A.: Plasmonics: Fundamentals and Applications. Springer, New York (2007) (A good modern review of plasmonics)
3. Ergin, T., Stenger, N., Brenner, P., Pendry, J.B., Wegener, M.: Three-dimensional invisibility cloak at optical wavelengths. Science 328, 337–339 (2010)
4. Wang, X., Zhao, M., Nolte, D.D.: Common-path interferometric detection of protein on the BioCD. Appl. Opt. 46, 7836–7849 (2007)
5. Jenison, R., La, H., Haeberli, A., Ostroff, R., Polisky, B.: Silicon-based biosensors for rapid detection of protein or nucleic acid targets. Clin. Chem. 47, 1894–1900 (2001)