1. Goldsmith, M.; Mackay, A. L. (eds.), The Science of Science: Society in the Technological Age, Souvenir Press, London, 1964.
2. Hodgkin, D. M. C., “John Desmond Bernal 1901–1971,” Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 1980, 26,17–84.
3. Polanyi, M., The Contempt of Freedom: The Russian Experiment and After, Arno Press, New York, 1975. [Reprint of the 1940 edition, Watts & Co., London.]
4. Snow, C. P., in Goldsmith, M.; Mackay, A. L. (eds.), The Science of Science: Society in the Technological Age, Souvenir Press, London, 1964, pp. 19–29.
5. 2. Bernal, J. D., Journal of R.I.B.A.,xliv, 16, 26th June 1937. [Reprinted in Bernal, J. D., The