1. Adam, J.: Einführung in die medizinische Statistik, 3rd revised edition (VEB Vlg. Volk und Gesundheit, 307 pages) Berlin 1971
2. Armitage, P.: Statistical Methods in Medical Research. (Blackwell; pp. 504) Oxford 1971, pages 8–18, 176–184, 384–391, 408–414, 426–441
3. Barnard, G. A.: Control Charts and stochastic processes. J. Roy. Statist. Soc, Ser. B21(1959), 239–257[cf. A 132 (1969), 205–228; V-mask: see Technometrics 60 (1973), 833-837]
4. Barnett, R. N., and Youden, W. J.: A revised scheme for the comparison of quantitative methods. Amer. J. Clin. Pathol. 54(1970), 454–462[see also 43 (1965), 562–569 and 50 (1968), 671–676 as well as Biometrics 34 (1978), 39–45; Technometrics 21 (1979), 397–409; and Applied Statistics 29 (1980), 135–141]
5. Benjamin, B.: Demographic Analysis. (Allen and Unwin; pp. 160) London 1968