1. L. J. Hart-Smith, ASTM Adhesive Committee D-14 Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona (1981).
2. G. N. Sage, Symp. Jointing in Fiber-Reinforced Plastics, IPC Press, Imperial College, London (1978).
3. D. Y. Wang, Exp. Mech. 4, 173 (1964).
4. J. Romanko and W. B. Jones, Jr., 25th Nat. SAMPE Symp. Exhib. Proc. p. 154, Azusa, California (1980).
5. H. F. Brinson, C. T. Herakovich, and M. P. Renieri, Fracture Mechanics of Composites, STP 617, p. 177, ASTM, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (1975).