Brombin Chiara,Salmaso Luigi
Reference22 articles.
1. Aifanti N, Papachristou C, Delopoulos A (2010) The MUG Facial Expression Database. In: 11th Int. Workshop Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services (WIAMIS)
2. Alfieri R, Bonnini S, Brombin C, Castoro C, Salmaso L (2012) Iterated combination-based paired permutation tests to determine shape effects of chemotherapy in patients with esophageal cancer. Statistical Methods in Medical Research DOI: 101177/0962280212461981 Article published online before print
3. Blair RC, Higgins JJ, Karniski W, Kromrey JD (1994) A study of multivariate permutation tests which may replace Hotelling’s t
2 test in prescribed circumstances. Multivariate Behavioral Research 29:141–163
4. Brombin C (2009) A nonparametric permutation approach to statistical shape analysis, ph.D. thesis. Padova, Italy: University of Padova
5. Brombin C, Salmaso L (2009) Multi-aspect permutation tests in shape analysis with small sample size. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 53:3921–3931