1. H. Herr, D. Mohl and A. Winnacker, in Physics at LEAR with Low-Energy Cooled Antiprotons, Eds. U. Gastaldi and R. Klapisch, (Plenum, New York, 1982) pp. 659ff.
2. R. Neumann, H. Poth, A. Winnacker and A. Wolf, Z. Phys. A A313:253 (1983).
3. A. Wolf, talk at Antiproton ‘86.
4. G. Gabrielse, L. Haarsma, X. Fei, S.L. Rolston, T.A. Trainor, H Kalinowsky, W.P. Keils, post deadline contribution to the American Physical Society Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics Meeting, May 18–20, 1987.
5. B.I. Deutch, A.S. Jensen, A. Miranda and G.C. Oades, in Proceedings of the First Workshop on Antimatter Physics at Low Energies, (FNAL, Batavia, 1986), pp. 371ff.