Post Daniel,Han Bongtae,Ifju Peter
Reference16 articles.
1. J. S. Epstein, S. M. Graham, K. E. Perry and W. G. Reuter, “Displacement and Strain Fields for a Bimetallic Strip Under Remote Tension,” J. Applied Mechanics, ASME (submitted for publication).
2. S. A. Chavez, V. A. Deason and J. S. Epstein, “Use of Moiré Interferometry in Weldments,” Proc. Int. Conf. on Trends in Welding Research, S. A. David, editor, American Society for Metals, Metals Park, Ohio, pp. 533–537 (1986).
3. C. A. Walker, A. McDonach, P. MacKenzie and J. McKelvie, “Dynamic Moiré Measurement of Strains Induced in a Titanium Tube Plate During Rolling of a Series of Tubes,” Experimental Mechanics, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 1–5 (1985).
4. A. McDonach, J. McKelvie and C. A. Walker, “Stress Analysis of Fibrous Composites using Moiré Interferometry,” Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 185–205 (1980).
5. D. Post, R. Czarnek and C. W. Smith, “Patterns of U and V Displacement Fields Around Cracks by Moiré Interferometry,” Application of Fracture Mechanics to Materials and Structures, G. C. Sih, E. Sommer and W. Dehl, editors, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Boston, pp. 699–708 (1984).