1. Miller, D.S. and Wood, R.M., “An Investigation of Wing Leading-Edge Vortices at Supersonic Speeds,” AIAA Paper 83–1816, July 1983.
2. Vorropoulos, G. and Wendt, J.F., “Laser Velocimetry Study of Compressibility Effects on the Flow Field of a Delta Wing,” AGARD-CP-342, Paper 9, 1983.
3. Rizzi, A., “Damped Euler Equation Method to Compute Transonic Flow Around Wing-Body Computations,” AIAA J. Vol. 20, pp 1321–1328, October 1982.
4. Rizzi, A., Eriksson, L.E., Schmidt, W. and Hitzel, S., “Numerical Solutions of the Euler Equations Simulation of Vortex Flows Around Wings,” AGARD-CP-342, Paper 21, 1983.
5. Weiland, C., “Vortex Flow Simulations Past Wings Using the Euler Equations,” AGARD-CP-342, Paper 19, 1983.