1. J. Borggaard; On the presence of shocks in domain optimization of Euler flows, in Flow Control (Ed. by M. Gunzburger) Springer, 1995, to appear.
2. J. Borggaard and J. Burns; A sensitivity equation approach to shape optimization in fluid, in Flow Control (Ed. by M. Gunzburger) Springer, 1995, to appear.
3. J. Borggaard, J. Burns, E. Cliff, and M. Gunzburger; Sensitivity calculations for a 2D, inviscid, supersonic forebody problem, in Identification and Control of Distributed Parameter Systems, (Ed. by H. Banks, R. Fabiano, and K. Ito), SIAM, Philadelphia, 1993, 14–24.
4. J. Burkardt, M. Gunzburger, and J. Peterson; Computational experiences in shape control for incompressible viscous flows, to appear.
5. J. Burns and Y. Ou; Effect of rotation rate on the forces of a rotating cylinder: simulation and control, ICASE Report No. 93-11, ICASE, Hampton, 1993.