1. Atomic Safety and Licensing Board. 1973. Initial decision in the matter of Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc. (Indian Point Station Unit No. 2). Atomic Safety and Licensing Board of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Sept. 25, 1973.
2. Barnthouse, L.W., J.B. Cannon, S.W. Christensen, A.H. Eraslan, J.L. Harris, K.H. Kim, M.E. La Verne, H.A. McLain, B.D. Murphy, R.J. Raridon, T.H. Row, R.D. Sharp, and W. Van Winkle. 1977. A selective analysis of power plant operation on the Hudson River with emphasis in the Bowline Point generating station. ORNL/TM-5877 (Vols. 1 and 2 ), Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN.
3. Barnthouse, L.W. and W. Van Winkle. 1981. The impact of impingement on the Hudson River white perch population, pp. 199–205 In Issues Associated with Impact Assessment. Proceedings of Fifth Annual Workshop on Entrainment and Impingement (L.D. Jensen, ed.). EA Communications, Sparks, MD.
4. Barnthouse, L.W., W. Van Winkle, J. Golumbek, G.F. Cada, C.P. Goodyear, S.W. Christensen, J.B. Cannon, and D.W. Lee. 1982. Impingement impact analyses, evaluations of alternative screening devices, and critiques of utility analyses relating to density-dependent growth, the age structure of the Hudson River striped bass population, and the LMS real-time life-cycle model. ORNL/NUREG/TM-385/V2. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN.
5. Barnthouse, L.W., W. Van Winkle, and D.S. Vaughan. 1983. Impingement losses of white perch at Hudson River power plants: magnitude and biological significance. Env. Mgmt. 7 (4): 355–364.