1. O. Buck and B. J, Skillings in: “Review of Progress in Quantitative NDE,” D. O. Thompson and D. E. Chimenti, eds. Plenum Press, (in press).
2. R. B. Thompson, B. J. Skillings, L. W. Zachary, L. W. Schmerr and O. Buck, in these Proceedings.
3. H. Tada, P. C. Paris, and G. R. Irwin: “The Stress Analysis of Cracks Handbook”, Del Research Corp., Hellertown, PA (1973).
4. N. H. Polakowski and E. J. Ripling: “Strength and Structure of Engineering Materials”, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, (1966), p. 320
5. O. Buck and B. R. Tittmann in: “Crack Length Measurements,” Vol. 2, C. J. Beevers, ed., Chameleon Press Ltd., London (in press).