1. M. A. Aizerman, E. M. Braverman, and L. I. Rozonoer, Theoretical foundation of potential function method in pattern recognition, Avtomat. i Telemekh.
25 (6), 917–936 (1964) (in Russian).
2. L. Alt, Digital patten recognition by moments, in “Optical character Recognition”(G.L. Fisher et al. eds.) pp. 153–179, Spartan Books, Washington, D.C.(1962)
3. M. L. Avrukh, Device for recognizing characters by means of the fragment method, in “Reading Devices,” pp. 116–130, Institute of Scientific Information, USSR Academy of Sciences (1962). [English translation: US Department of Commerce, Joint Publications Research Service 18119, OTS 63–21318, March 13, 1963.]
4. A. Bagdonas, R. Zlabys, A. Kvedaravicius, R. Nasliunas, P. Svagzdis, and P. Jasinskas, The RUTA-701 character reader, in “Proc. 1st USSR Scientific and Technical Conference on Automatic Input of Written and Printed Characters into Computers, Vol. 1, Vilnius (1968) (in Russian).
5. A. S. Barashko, V. A. Kovalevsky, Yu. S. Mazyra, K. A. Netrebenko, and A. G. Semenovsky, The ChARS correlative character reader, in “Reaging Automata,” Kiev (1965). [English translation appears in “Character Reader and Pattern Recognition,” Spartan Books, Washington, D.C. (1968).]