1. IEEE 802.15.3c, wireless medium access control (MAC) and physical layer (PHY) Specification for High Rate wireless personal area networks (WPAN) Amendment 2: Millimeter-wave-based Alternative Physical Layer Extension (2009)
2. IEEE 802.11 ad, PHY/MAC Complete Proposal Specification, May (2010)
3. European Computer Manufacturing Association, “High Rate 60 GHz PHY, MAC and HDMI PAL,” Standard ECMA-387, 1st edn. December 2008. online. Available at: <
> Accessed 26 Dec 2010
4. European Computer Manufacturing Association, “High Rate 60 GHz PHY, MAC and PALs,” Standard ECMA-387, 2nd edn. December 2010. online. Available at: <
> Accessed 8 May 2011
5. online. Available at: <
> Accessed 26 Dec 2010