1. ANDERSON, J.L. 1935. Behavior of cherry trees in the Hudson River Valley with particular reference to losses from winter killing and other causes. N.Y. Bull. 653.
2. ANDERSON, J. L. 1969. Effect of of Ethrel on ripening of Montmorency sour cherries. HortScience 4, 92.
3. ASCHER, P.D. 1966. A gene action model to explain gametophytic self incompatibility. Euphyica 15, 175–183.
4. ATKINSON, F.E. 1956. Maturity Manual. British Columbia Tree Fruits, Vancouver.
5. BEDFORD, C.L. 1964. Quality of hand picked and mechanically processed red cherries. Proc. Mich. State Hort. Soc. 94, 87–90.