1. R. Abłamowicz: ‘Clifford algebra computations with Maple’, Proceedings of CAP Summer School in Theoretical Physics, “Geometric (Clifford) Algebras in Physics,” Banff, 1995 (to appear). Technical Report No. 1995-1, Department of Mathematics, Gannon University, October 1995.
2. R. Abłamowicz: 1996, ‘Clifford’ — Maple V package for Clifford algebra computations, ver. 2, available at: http://www.gannon.edu/service/dept/mathdept.
3. C. Chevalley: 1954, ‘The Algebraic Theory of Spinors’, Columbia University Press, New York.
4. A. Crumeyrolle: 1990, ‘Orthogonal and Symplectic Clifford Algebras: Spinor Structures’, Kluwer, Dordrecht.
5. J. Helmstetter: 1982, ‘Algebres de Clifford et algebres de Weyl’, Cahiers Math. 25, Montpellier.