1. Proceedings of the International Conference on Inner Shell Ionization Phenomena and Future Applications, Atlanta, Georgia, 1972 ed. by R.W. Fink, J.T. Manson, I.M. Palms, R.V. Rao, Conf 720404 U.S. Atomic Energy Commision, Oak Ridge, Tenn. 1973.
2. A.G. Molchanov, Soviet Physics Uspekhi, 15, 1972, 124.
3. P. Jaeglé, Proceedings of the 2nd I.S.I.P., Invited Papers, Freiburg March 29 — April 2, 1976, ed. by W. Mehlhorn and R. Brem, p. 379.
4. R.W. Waynant, R.C. Elton, Proceedings of the I.E.E.I., 64, 1976, 1059.
5. M.A. Dugay, Proceedings of Synchrotron Radiation Facilities Quebec Summer Workshop, June 15 — 18, 1976, Quebec, Canada.