1. I. N. Skabitskii, Uchen. zap. Leningradsk. un-ta., No. 136, 10 (1950).
2. K. F. Ogorodnikov, Vestn. Leningradsk. un-ta., No. 1, 5 (1947).
3. B. V. Kukarkin, An Investigation of the Structure and Development of Stellar Systems based on a Study of Variable Stars [in Russian], Gostekhizdat, Moscow-Leningrad (1949).
4. V. A. Ambarzumian, Mon. Notic. Roy. Astron. Soc. 96, 172 (1936).
5. A. S. Eddington, Mon. Notic. Roy. Astron Soc. 72, 368 (1915).