1. H. D. Holland and L. H. Brush, “Uranium Oxides in Ores and Spent Fuels,” NUREG-CP-0005, 597–615, 1978.
2. Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory office memorandum;J Grisham,1978
3. C. F. Baes, Jr. and R. E. Mesmer, “The Hydrolysis of Cations,” John Wiley & Sons, N.Y., 1976.
4. T. W. Newton, R. D. Aguilar and B. R. Erdal, “Estimation of U, Np, and Pu Solubilities vs. Eh and pH,” in “Laboratory Studies of Radionuclide Distribution Between Selected Groundwater and Geologic Media,” B. R. Erdal, Ed., LA-8339-PR, 1980.
5. Y. B. Katayama, D. J. Bradley and C. O. Harvey, “Status Report on LWR Spent Fuel IAEA Leach Tests,” PNL-3173, 1980.