1. J. E. Mendel, The Storage and Disposal of Radioactive Waste as Glass in Canisters, Battelle Pacific Northwest Lab. Rep. PNL-2764 December (1978), 71 pages.
2. T. D. Chikalla and J. E. Mendel, eds., Ceramics in Nuclear Management, Proceedings of the International Symposium Ceramics in Nuclear Waste Management, Cincinnati, CONF-790420, US Department of Energy, Technical Information Center, Oak Ridge, 1979, 377 pages.
3. G. J. McCarthy, Nuclear Waste Ceramics: Materials, Considerations, Process Simulation and Product Characterization. Nuclear Technology 32, 92–105 (1977);
4. T. D. Chikalla and J. E. Mendel, eds., Ceramics in Nuclear Management, Proceedings of the International Symposium Ceramics in Nuclear Waste Management, pp. 274–276.
5. A. E. Ringwood, S. E. Kesson, N. G. Ware, W. Hibberson and A. Major, The Synroc Process. A Geochemical Approach to Nuclear Waste, Geochemical Journal 13, 141–165 (1979);