1. H. W. Godbee, E. L. Compere, D. S. Joy, A. H. Kibbey, J. G. Moore, C. W. Nestor, O. Ü. Anders, R. M. Neilson, Application of Mass Transport Theory to the Leaching of Radionuclides from Waste Solids, Nuclear and Chemical Waste Management, 1:29 (1980).
2. J. R. Wiley, Leach Rates of High Activity Waste From Borosilicate Glass, Nucl. Techno1., 43:268 (1979).
3. A. J. Machiels, Short-Term Leaching Behavior of Waste Forms, Workshop on Alternate Nuclear Waste Forms and Interactions in Geologic Media, Gatlinhurg, Tennessee, May 13–15, 1980.
4. L. L. Hench, D. E. Clark, and E. L. Yen-Bower, Surface Leaching of Glasses and Glass-Ceramics, Proceedings of the Conference on High-Level Radioactive Solid Waste Forms, Denver, Colorado, December 19–21, 1978.
5. G. H. Frischat, Ionic Diffusion in Oxide Glasses, Trans. Tech. Publications (1975).