1. Proceedings of Low Temperature Detectors for Neutrinos and Dark Matter, edited by K. Pretzl, N. Schmitz, and L. Stodolsky, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (1987)
2. Low Temperature Detectors for Neutrinos and Dark Matter II, edited by L. Gonzalez-Mestres and D. Perret-Gallix, Editions Frontières (1988)
3. Low Temperature Detectors for Neutrinos and Dark Matter III, edited by L. Brogiato, D. V. Camin, and E. Fiorini, Editions Frontières (1990)
4. Low Temperature Detectors for Neutrinos and Dark Matter IV, edited by N.E. Booth and G.L. Salmon, Editions Frontières (1992)
5. R.L. Mössbauer, J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 17 (1991) S1