1. L. A. Chambers, “Air Pollution,” Vol. I, by A. C. Stern, Academic Press, New York (1968).
2. J. E. Ives, et. al., “Atmospheric Pollution of American Cities for Years 1931–1933,” U. S. Public Health Bulletin No. 224 (1936).
3. H. C. Wohers and G. B. Bell, “Literature Review of Metropolitan Air Pollutant Concentrations” Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, Calif. (1956).
4. Second Technical and Administrative Report on Air Pollution Control in Los Angeles County, Air Pollution Control District, County of Los Angeles, Calif. (1950–1951).
5. The Smog Problem in Los Angeles County, Stanford Institute Research Report, Western Oil and Gas Association, Los Angeles, Calif. (1954).