1. G. R. Giovanelli, Nature, 158:81 (1946); Monthly Not. Roy. Astron. Soe., 107:338 (1947); 108: 163 (1948).
2. A. B. Severnyi, Astron. Zh., 35:335 (1958); Izv. KrAO, 20: 22 (1958).
3. S. I. Syrovatskii, Proceedings of the Fifth Ail-Union Winter School on Space Physics [in Russian], Inst. Kosmofiziki, Apatity (1968), p. 58.
4. P. A. Sweet, in: Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol. 7 (1969), p. 149.
5. S. A. Kaplan and V. N. Tsytovich, Plasma Astrophysics [in Russian], Nauka, Moscow (1972).