1. Fletcher, J., Rob!in, R. and Powledge, T. cite six genetic screening program directors for the statement that “the risk involved in taking the blood sample for testing (is) negligible.” In Ethical, Social and Legal Dimensions of Screening for Human Genetic Disease. Miami: Symposia Specialists, 1974, p. 140.
2. Waltz, J. and Thigpen, C., Genetic screening and counseling: the legal and ethical issues, Northwestern Univ. Law Rev. 69: 696: 700, (1973).
3. Waltz, J. and Thigpen, C., Genetic screening and counseling: the legal and ethical issues, Northwestern Univ. Law Rev. 69: 696: 700, 744(1973).
4. See Milunsky, A. and Reilly, P., The “new” genetics: emerging medicolegal issues in the prenatal diagnosis of hereditary disorders, Amer. J. Law Med. 1: 71, (1975).
5. Waltz, J. and Inbau, F., Medical Jurisprudence. New York, Macmillan Company, 1971, p. 38 et seq.