1. P. P. Kobeko, Amorphous Substances, Izd. AN SSSR, Moscow, 1952.
2. M. V. Vorkenshtein and O. B. Ptitsyn, Zhur. Tekh. Fiz. 26(10): 2205, 1956.
3. Ya. I. Frenkel\ Statistical Physics, Izd. AN SSSR, Moscow-Leningrad, 1948.
4. J. H. Hollomon and D. Turnbull, Advances in Metal Physics, Vol. 1 [Russian translation], Metallurgizdat, 1956.
5. R. L. Myuller, Zhur.Prik. Khim. 28(363): 1077, 1955; Trudy Tomsk. Univ. 145:33, 1957.