1. For a review see: J. W. Negele, Rev. Mod. Phys., 54 (1982) 913.
2. R. A. Broglia, C. H. Dasso and A. Winther, Proceedings of the International School of Physycs “E. Fermi”, Course LXXVII, Nuclear Structure and Heavy Ion Collisions, Eds. R. A. Broglia and R. A. Ricci, North Holland (1981), p.327.
3. J. Randrup, Nucl. Phys., A307 (1978) 319
4. J. Randrup, Ann. Phys., 112 (1978) 356.
5. J. R. Birkelund, L. E. Tubbs, J.R. Huizenga, J. N. De and D. Sperber, Phys. Rep., 56 (1979) 107.