1. A. Araujo, E. GinÉ: The central limit theorem for real and Banach valued random variables. New York: Wiley 1980.
2. E. Dettweiler: Banach space valued processes with independent increments and stochastic integration. In: Probability in Banach spaces IV, Lecture Notes in Math. 990, 54–83. Berlin-Heidelberg-New York: Spinger 1983.
3. E. Dettweiler: Stochastic integration of Banach space valued functions. In:L. Arnold, P. Kotelenez: Stochastic Space-Time Models and Limit Theories, D.Reidel Publ. Comp., 53–79 (1985).
4. E. Dettweiler: On the martingale problem for Banach space valued stochastic differential equations. To appear in: Journal of Theoretical Probability.
5. E. Dettweiler: The martingale problem on Banach spaces. To appear in: Expositiones Mathematicae.