1. Capacitive, Inductive and Conductive coupling: Physical Theory and Calculation Methods, CCITT Directives, vol. III, Geneva, 1989, 270 pp.
2. Smith A., Coupling to Electromagnetic Fields to Transmission Lines, John Wiley & Sons, 1977, 132 pp.
3. King R. W. P., Mimno H. R., Wing A. H., Transmission Lines, Antennas, and Wave Guides. Dover Publications, NY, 1965, 347 pp.
4. Schelkunoff S. A. and Friis H. T., Antennas, Theory and Practice, John Wiley & Sons, 1952,639 pp.
5. Silver S., Microwave Antenna Theory and Design, McGraw-Hill, NY, 1949, 1984, 623 pp.