1. R.E. Kidder, “Interaction of Intense Photon and Electron Beams with Plasmas”, in Physics of High Energy Density, P. Caldirola and H. Knoepfel, Eds. ( Academic Press Inc., New York, 1971 ) pp. 306–352.
2. G. Guderley, Luftfahrforsch, 19, 302 (1942).
3. J. Nuckolls, Nature 239, 139 (1972). See also J. Nuckolls, “Laser Implosion of DT to Densities > 1000 gm/cm3: Optimum Pulse Shape; Fusion Yield vs. Laser Energy”, UCRL-74116, October 26, 1972.
4. R.E. Kidder, “Interaction of Intense Photon Beams with Plasmas (II)”, Proceedings of the Japan-U.S. Seminar on Laser Interaction with Matter, C. Yamanaka, Ed. ( Tokyo International Book Co. Ltd., Tokyo, 1973 ),pp. 331–353.
5. R.E. Kidder and W.S. Barnes,“’WAZER’ A One-Dimensional Two-Temperature Hydrodynamic Code”, UCRL-50583, Jan. 31, 1969.