1. Akal, T. and Jensen, F.B. Effects of the sea-bed on acoustic propagation. In: PACE, N.R., ed. Acoustics and the Sea-Bed, Bath, UK, Bath University Press, 1553: 225–232.
2. Akal, T. Acoustical characteristics of the sea floor: experimental techniques and some examples from the Mediterranean sea. In: Hampton, L., ed. Physics of Sound in Marine Sediments. New York, NY, Plenum, 1973: pp 447–480.
3. Hamilton, E.L. Geoacoustic models of the sea floor. In: Hampton, L., ed. Physics of Sound in Marine Sediment. New York, NY, Plenum, 1973: pp 181–222.
4. Rauch, D. On the role of bottom interface waves in ocean seismo-acoustics (this volume).
5. Jensen, F.B. and Schmidt, H. Shear properties of ocean sediments determined from numerical modelling of Scholte wave data (this volume).