1. H. A. Corriher et al., Chapter XVII, “Elements of Radar Clutter,” of Principals of Modern Radar, H. Allen Ecker, ed., Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, 1972.
2. Herbert Goldstein, “A Primer of Sea Echo,” Report No. 157, U.S. Navy Electronics Laboratory, San Diego, 1950.
3. R. N. Trebits, “Radar Cross Section,” Ch. 2, Techniques of Radar Reflectivity Measurement, Artech House, Dedham, Mass., 1984.
4. R. S. Berkowitz, Modern Radar, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1965, p. 560.
5. J. D. Echard et al., “Discrimination Between Targets and Clutter by Radar,” Final Technical Report on Contract DAAAG-29-780C-0044, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, December 1981.