1. R. L. Powell, M.D. Bunch, and R. J. Corrucini, Cryogenics
1, 139 (1961).
2. M. Hansen, Constitution of Binary Alloys, McGraw-Hill, New York (1958), p. 195.
3. G. Borelius, W. H. Keesom, C. H. Johansson, and J. O. Linde, Proc. Kon. Akad. Amsterdam
35, 15 (1932); also Leiden Communications No. 217d (1932).
4. G. Borelius, W. H. Keesom, C. H. Johansson, and J. O. Linde, Proc. Kon. Akad. Amsterdam
35, 25 (1932); also Leiden Communications No. 217e (1932).
5. D. K. C. MacDonald, W. B. Pearson, and I. M. Templeton, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London)
A266, 161 (1962).