1. G. Wade, R.K. Mueller, and M. Kaveh, “A Survey of Techniques for Ultrasonic Tomography,” Proceedings of IFIP TC-4 Working Conference Computer-Aided Tomography and Ultrasonics in Medicine, J. Raviv, Editor, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, North Holland, 1978.
2. R.K. Mueller, M. Kaveh, and G. Wade, “Reconstructive Tomography and Applications to Ultrasonics,” Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 67, No. 4, April 1979, pp. 567–587.
3. G. Wade, “Ultrasonic Imaging by Reconstructive Tomography,” Acoustical Imaging, Vol. 9, K. Wang, Editor, Plenum Press, New York, 1980, pp. 379–432.
4. J.F. Greenleaf, S.A. Johnson, S.L. Lee, G.T. Herman, and E.H. Wood, “Algebraic Reconstruction of Spatial Distributions of Acoustic Absorption Within Tissue from their Two-Dimensional Acoustic Projections,” Acoustical Holography, Vol. 5, P.S. Green, Editor, Plenum Press, New York, 1974, pp. 591–603.
5. G. Wade, S. Elliott, I. Khogeer, G. Flesher, J. Eisler, D. Menza, N.S. Ramesh, and G. Heidbreder, “Acoustic Echo Computer Tomography,” Acoustical Imaging, Vol. 8, A.F. Metherell, Editor, Plenum Press, New York, 1979, pp. 565–576.