1. G. A. Anastassiou and X. M. Yu,“Monotone and Probabilistic Wavelet Approximation” Stochastic Analysis and Applications, 10(3), pp. 251–264, 1992.
2. T. Bielecki, J. Chen, E. B. Lin and Stephen Yau,“Some Remarks on Wavelet Transforms” Proceeding of first IEEE Conference on Aerospace Control Systems, pp. 148–150, 1993.
3. T. Bielecki, J. Chen, E. B. Lin and Stephen Yau,“Wavelet Representation of General Signals” preprint, 1993.
4. A. Cohen, I. Daubechies, B. Jawerth and P. Vial,“Multiresolution Analysis, Wavelets and Fast Algorithms on the Interval” to appear.
5. I. Daubechies, Ten Lectures on Wavelets, SIAM. Philadelphia, 1992.