1. A. D. Breck and W. Yourgrau, Biology, History, and Natural Philosophy (Plenum Press, New York, 1972).
2. G. S. Fraenkel and D. L. Gunn, The Orientation of Animals (Reprinting of 1940 edition by Dover Publ., Inc., New York, 1961).
3. J. Loeb, Forced Movements, Tropisms and Animal Conduct (Reprinting of 1918 edition by Dover Publ. Inc., New York, 1973).
4. J. B. Best and I. Rubenstein, “Maze Learning and Associated Behavior in Planaria,” J. Comp. Physiol. Psychol. 55, 560–566 (1962).
5. J. B. Best and I. Rubenstein, “Environmental Familiarity and Feeding in a Planarian,” Science 135, 916–918 (1962).