1. H. Brechna, Superconducting Magnet Systems, Springer-Verlag, 1973
2. W. V. Hazenthal, S. Caspi, W. Gilbert, W. Helm, M. Morgan, G. A. and L. J. Laslett, “Field Quality of the End Sections of SSC Dipoles,” SSCL document SSC-N-SO, Sept. 1986
3. M. P. Krefta and D. Pavlik, “Two-Dimensional Magnetic field Calcualtions for the SSC Dipole Magnets,” Presented at the 3rd IISSC Conference March 13-15, 1991, Atlanta Georga
4. M. A. Green, “Fields Generated Within the SSC Magnets Due to Persistant Currents in the Superconductor,” SSC Conf. Proc. Dec 1983, Ann Arbor, Michigan, LBL Report 17249
5. M. A. Green, “Residual Fields in Superconducting Dipole and Quadrupole Magnets,” IEEE Trans, on Nuclear Science, NS-18 (3), p 664