1. A. Van Ginneken, Fermilab-FN-272 (1975).
2. P. Arnio et al., CERN TIS-RP/168 (1986).
3. N. V. Mokhov, IHEP preprint 82-168, Serpukhov (1982).
4. A. Van Ginneken, Calculation of the Average Properties of Electromagnetic Cascades at High Energies (AEGIS), p. 211 in Computer Techniques in Radiation Transport and Dosimetry, W. R. Nelson and T. M. Jenkins, Eds., Plenum Publishing Corp., New York (1980) and Calculation of the Average Properties of Hadronic Cascades at High Energies (CASIM), ibid., p. 323.
5. J. Ranft and J. T. Routti, CERN-II-RA/72-8 (1972).