1. C. Caiseda and L. González, “A Computer Generation of Polytopes that are Sections of the 5-cube”, to appear in Congressus Numerantium.
2. C. K. Chow, “On the Characterization of Threshold Functions”, SCTLD (1961), 34–38.
3. C. K. Chow, “Boolean Functions Realizable with Single Threshold Devices”, Proc. IRE 49 (1961), 370–371.
4. C. C. Elgot, “Truth Functions Realizable by Single Threshold Organs”, SCTLD (1961), 225–245.
5. M. R. Emamy-K. and L. Lazarte, “On the Cut-complexes of the 5-cube”, Discrete Math. 78 (1989), 239–256.