1. J. E. Enderby, in Amorphous and Liquid Semi-Conductors (ed, J. Taue ), Plenum Press, London, 1974, p. 361.
2. V, M. Glazov, S. N. Chishevskaya and N. N. Glagoleva, Liquid Semiconductors, Plenum Press, New York 1969.
3. H. Rawson, Inorganic Glass Forming Systems. Acad. Press, New York 1967.
4. P. A. Egelstaff, An Introduction to the Liquid State, Acad. Press, New York 1967.
5. As J. E. Enderbyl has pointed out, this criterion may be misleading1. In some binary metallic alloys dO/dT > 0 while the Hall constant and thermoelectric power are constant. This indicates that these liquids are metallic (concentration of carriers is temperature independent) but the mobilities increase with T.