1. Adorf, H.-M.: 1987, “Theoretical limits to the precision of joint flux and position measurements with CCDdetectors”, (unpublished research note)
2. Adorf, H.-M.: 1989, “On the HST Wide Field and Planetary Camera Undersampling Problem”, in: Proc. 1
ESO/ST-ECF Data Analysis Workshop,European Southern Observatory,Garching, 17–19 Apr 1989, P. Grosbøl, F. Murtagh, R. Warmels (ads.), pp. 215–218
3. Adorf, H.-M.: 1990a, “Coping with the undersampling of WFPC images”, ST-ECFNewsl. 12, 9–10
4. Adorf, H.-M.: 1990b, “How to prepare data for HST image restoration”, ST-ECF Technical Report, 6. Sep 1990 (orig.), 29. Oct 1990 (rev.)
5. Adorf, H.-M.: 1990c, “Restoration of HST images and spectra — A report on the workshop held at the STScI, Baltimore on 21–22 August 1990”, ST-ECF Newsl. 14, 15