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2. Yoshida A. and Tsuji H., “Measurements of Fluctuating Temperature and Velocity in a Turbulent Premixed Flame”, Seventeenth Symposium (International) on Combustion, The Combustion Institute, 1979, p945.
3. Moss J.B., “Simultaneous Measurements of Concentration and Velocity in an Open Premixed Turbulent Flame”, Combustion Science and Technology, 1980, 22, p119.
4. Yoshida A. and Tsuji H., “Characteristic Scale of Wrinkles in Turbulent Premixed Flames”, Nineteenth Symposium (International) on Combustion, The Combustion Institute, 1983, p403.
5. Cheng R.K. and Ng T.T., “Velocity Statistics in Premixed Turbulent Flames”, Combustion and Flame, 1983, 52, p185.