1. a) P. R. Bunker, J. Mol. Spectry. 5, 478 (1972). b) W. H. Flygare and R. C. Benson, Mol. Phys. 2£, 225 (1971). c) H. F. Schaefer, D. Wallach and Ch. F. Bender, J. Chem. Phys. 56, 1219 (1972). d) For more extensive information see the author’s review on “High Resolution Spectroscopy with Lasers,” Physics Reports (in press, 1972).
2. a) J. D. Knox, Yoh Han Pao, Appl. Phys. Letters 18, 360 (1971). b) G. R. Hanes, J. Lapierre, P. R. Bunker and K, C. Shotten, J. Mol. Spectry. 39, 506 (1971). c) M. S. Sorem and A. L. Schawlow, Opt. Commun. 5, 148 (1972).
3. M. W. Goldberg and R. Yusek, Appl. Phys. Letters 17, 349 (1970).
4. E. E. Uzgiris, J. L. Hall and R. L. Barger, Phys. Rev. Letters 26, 289 (1971).
5. G. R. Hanes and C. E. Dahlstrom, Appl. Phys. Letters 14, 362 (1969).